Healthy Choice Goals

Peer motivation and support are large parts of obtaining goals. Join us by putting YOUR Healthy Choice goals here. Just post it as a comment to this page. Please include the goal which you are stretching yourself to reach and the date you are aiming at reaching the goal. That way we can all see what you are trying to accomplish and then we will know how we can support you!


50 Responses to Healthy Choice Goals

  1. Mike H. says:

    I, Mike H., in an attempt to get myself more fit and healthy, pledge the stretch goal of attempting to run the whole time in a minimum of three 5K’s by November 30th, 2011.
    In order to achieve this goal, I pledge the following action steps and deadlines:
    1.) I will run 3 to 4 times a week, using the “Couch to 5K” iPhone app, until I can run the distance of a 5K.
    2.) I will run the “Warrior Dash” on June 19th, 2011.
    3.) I will run the “Bonfield Express” 5K on Thanksgiving morning, Nov. 24th, 2011.
    4.) I will run in at least one other 5K between June 19th and November 24th, 2011.
    My goal is intended to be completed by November 24th, 2011.


    • Mark Grippando says:

      I enjoy working out in the early morning before work. This is always more difficult in the summer with longer days. In order to get enough sleep to make it to the morning workouts, I will stop using electronics after 9pm. I received a new IPad a few months ago and it is easy to “lose” a couple of hours every night.

      In order to lose a few pounds and still enjoy summer trips to the ice cream store, I will:
      1. Run once a week for at least 30 minutes. I am not a big running fan, but it seems the only way I can lose weight and enjoy Rollo McFlurries.
      2. Participate in two 5k’s this year (adding one to the Bonfield Express I already do on Thanksgiving)
      3. Go to physical therapy for my left rotator cuff – I’ve been putting it off for too long.
      4. Do the rotator cuff exercises as prescribed – they are very boring but necessary.
      5. Continue to strengthen core and back by adding in more glute exercises such as lunges and squats.
      6. Increase my flexibility by using that new found non-electronics time to stretch and relax before bed.

      By getting the proper rest at night, I can commit to going to the gym 5x a week and increase the intensity of my cardio workouts. Sometimes I’m there, but not really there.


  2. Katie says:

    Katie S. wants to finish off the baby weight and lose 7 pounds by August 1. To do this I will…
    – Do 1 hour of cardio AT LEAST 3 times a week
    -Do strength training AT LEAST 2 times a week
    -Finally watch my barre videos and make notecards of all of the exercises…then, I’ll do 30 minutes of barre work AT LEAST 2 times a week
    -Eat 90% of the vegetables from my weekly vegetable share (and not follow them with cookies:))
    -Avoid all of the fried food around here….seriously, this town knows how to fry stuff.


    • Jenny B says:

      Katie – What are barre videos??


      • Anne says:

        Yeah, I want to know too! And why take notes on them? Can’t you just watch the videos again? I’m intrigued!!


      • Katie says:

        Anne and Jenny — barre videos are workouts like the Dailey Method (which I was doing when I was living in Chicago). They’re REALLY hard strength workouts that involve pilates, yoga, rehabilitation strength moves and other small movements. They’re intense. I’ll let you know which are the best once I FINALLY acheive that part of my goal. my aim is next week!


      • funfitteam says:

        Are those workouts comparable to P90X? Those are tough too!


  3. Alexandra says:

    What a great idea!

    For my goal: I would like to run my first 10K race. Looks like it will be in August …

    I will:
    Run 3x per week with Couch 2 5K
    Do Pilates/Yoga 2x a week
    Eat more fresh veggies/fruits and fewer carbs. The lighter the load, the faster/easier the run …
    Get a new inhaler …
    Beat my fastest 5K time of 27 minutes … tho that was a while ago …
    Run at least 1 5K race per month starting in July including any of the following Chicago races:
    July 9 – Chicago Chinatown 5-K & Youth Run
    July 14 – Bastille Day 5-K & 8-K Run & Block Party
    July 17 – Sunday Fleet Feet Sports Women’s 5K & 10K
    July 24 – Teb’s Troops March on Melanoma Chicago 5K
    July 30 – Bring the Movement 5K Run/Walk
    Aug 6 – Dick Pond Athletics Champion’s Run 100 – 10K & 5K
    Aug 11 – Elvis is Alive 5-K
    Aug 27 – Guaranteed Rate 5-K Disco Dash
    Oct 2 – Bucktown 5-K
    Oct 15 – Pumpkins in the Park

    Very excited!


  4. Dan Camp says:

    I used to run quite a bit and enjoyed it. I ran in junior high, high school, and college. Then, with quite a few years of not running after I left college, I started running again almost daily during my sabbatical in 2005, and I lost about 40 pounds (all of that sitting, eating, and driving I did as a field consultant caught up with me in between). Since then, I’ve remained within five or so pounds of my target weight. I felt great, and still do. I did discover the easiest way to cut or maintain the weight in my case was to just eat less (it’s a lot easier than all that running in my book), instead of running. Those of you who know I have a food allergy know that sometimes the “eating less” method is not by choice 🙂

    Just because I may LOOK fairly healthy doesn’t mean I really am cardio-wise. Unfortunately, even if I wanted to start running again, I don’t currently have the time or want to take the time, especially since it would likely take time away from the family (running is many times an “alone” activity).

    So, my pledge is to NOT run, but instead take part in at least an hour of physical activity with the family at least 3 days a week. This could be walking, biking, or neighborhood games like football, basketball or soccer with the kids. While this may not sound like much, going from pretty much ZERO activity to this, and making the time to do it, is a stretch for me!


  5. Colleen M. says:

    I pledge to lose 10 pounds by September 2, 2011. I will do this by:

    1. Running 2 miles twice a week
    2. Walking 3 miles twice a week
    3. Drinking more water
    4. Eating healthier


  6. Sharon Bell says:

    I pledge to lose 15 pounds by August 31,2011. I will do this by:

    1. Walk 2-4 miles 2x per week (seeing I don’t walk at all now)
    2. Participate in the Kinect game system; ‘dance central’ and ‘zumba’ for one hour
    3x per week.
    3. Healthier eating habits; follow eating schedule that Engage U will help me develop.


  7. Danyelle Douglas says:

    I pledge to lose 10 pounds by August 1, 2011, I will do this by:

    1. Walk 3-6 miles a week
    2. Water Aerobics and Pilates
    3. Easting healthier and incorporating more fruits and veggies back into my life
    4. Creating a plan on the weekend for the week ahead and sticking to it.


  8. Shelly Hicks says:

    Accoutability is a good thing. My goal is to follow a daily heathly food plan at least 6 days a week, track ALL the foods I eat on My, and get back to working out 5 -6 days a week/ one hour per day. Working out gives me brain food, increases my heart health (which I need to maintain) and is necessary for future long term health due to a minor chronic illness I have.
    * I met with Catherine and started my food plan
    * I have an email into Joel to start back up my personal training


  9. I pledge by November to have participated in at least one 5k where I finish in 45 minutes or less. I will do this by:
    1. Walking/jogging at least 2 miles a minimum of 3 days a week
    2. Strength & endurance training on the days that I am not walking/jogging
    3. Eating healthier by eating smaller meals more often and drinking more water *UGH*
    4. Looking for more ways to exercise more often (2 minutes of fitness, parking farther away, etc.)

    Good luck to everyone on their pledges/goals. I know we will all be successful!


  10. Anne Rigby says:

    This is Anne R. I run regularly now, but running don’t make ya STRONG! I want to be stronger & more flexible – kind of like Buffy the Vampire Slayer (yes I know old show but I still love it) or the Kill Bill Ladies. I want to KICK SOME HOOEY!! And I want to be an old person who never breaks a hip and climbs mountains and does cool stuff when I’m 80. So: My goals
    (1) Maintain my current running plan, while taking care of my knees.
    (2) Be a BEAST about getting to the Lodge Fitness class – at least twice a week!
    (3) Take Ashtanga or other Yoga classes twice a week.
    (4) Really try at the meditation part of yoga, because I need to calm the mind too. 🙂


  11. Debbie Kuby says:

    Debbie Kuby’s goal is to lose 12 lbs by August 31, 2011:
    I plan to do this by:
    Walking, biking, and swimming at least once each per week.
    Eating healthier – more fish, chicken, veggies, and fruit and less junk food.
    Drinking more water and less diet coke.


  12. Allyson Carter says:

    Allyson C.

    I am no runner, in fact a couple of years ago I wrote in my journal that my goal was to just run a mile! Well thanks to Mike H and that fab couch to 5K app I’ve met that goal of running a mile, so now I’ll stretch to run/walking a 5 K by the beginning of August. I may not participate in an actual 5 K, it might just be a 6am 5K around my neighborhood but my goal is to see my app hit the 3.1. sometime by Aug 1. I just hope the weather hangs in there as I just love being outside in the early am before others are up and having some peaceful time to myself! It’s helping to keep me sane too:)

    How I’ll do this:
    * Keep my routine of run/walking or elliptical at least 3x a week
    * Keep my goal of hitting 8-10K steps per day and walking with family when I get home from work and on the weekends (I really want to help my girls live an active life too).

    (If anyone knows of a 5K in the Naperville area in August let me know!)


  13. John Yelenosky says:

    Hi All!

    My goal is to lose 15 more lbs and complete the Chicago Rock and Roll 1/2 marathon in August and then the full in October.

    Training for me began in May and I have lost 10 since starting my runs. Staying on track with my routine is critical. 4 days per week at 4+ miles per day. Then a long run (slow jog at best 🙂 on Saturdays which will continue to increase in distance. (right now I’m at 8 miles but need to get to 22)

    Best wishes to all on attaining your goals!


  14. Kimberlee says:

    A big WAY TO GO to all the runners. I personally will opt out of running because it’s all about the hair, honey.

    My stretch goal is a commitment to myself, which is to make wiser decisions regarding my health. I will do this by:

    1. Using my eliptical machine … and make the dust find somewhere else to rest
    2. Walk and or bike this summer
    3. DRINK WATER ( I prefer juice but I know my kidneys prefer the H2O)
    4. Eat more fruit and maybe a vegetable or two – let’s keep it real!


  15. Gwen Barton says:

    I would like to loose 10 lbs by August 31st and to just lead a healthier lifestyle. To do this I will walk 3-4 times a week (my dogs would be so excited), drink lemon water daily (I don’t like just plain water), take a long bike ride along the fox river at least one time a week, and incorporate healthier dinner choices (my husband would love me for that). I would like to hit 8 to 10 k steps with my fitbit every day. Wish me luck.


  16. Kevin Clark says:

    My number one goal is to complete the Chicago Marathon on October 9. Don’t have a set number to beat. I just want to hit the finish line. I am more and more confident, as I train, that I will want to run the entire 26.2 miles! In the coming weeks I may even have some numbers that I want to shoot for.

    In addition to completing the Marathon, I also want to be more mindful of the fuel I put in my body. I want to continue to make healthy food/drink choices and stay away from too many fried foods.


  17. Neal Geller says:

    Hello Team. I am so excited to be a part of such a wonderful event and I look forward to running with all of our US Training Team. I have similar goals, for myself to have an more active lifestyle which will help to trim me up and improve my health goals. I also want to inspire my family to get more active. Since I started running, my wife and children have joined in the fun and it is quite nice to have the company when doing the training. Finally, by being a part of this, I am continuing my efforts to support the Ronald McDonald House Charities. I have been involved with many events and this is just one more way to increase our support. I hope I can meet the goal of raising more than the minimum to feel proud that we helped fund this great cause.

    Good Luck to all of you and stay healthy and as I am learning, listen to your body and don’t over do it!



  18. Allyson Wilson says:

    My goal is to live a healthy active lifestyle, I don’t have a certain number of pounds I want to lose-just want to feel good! Unfortunately due to the stress fracture in my right foot (from running, doing too much too soon) I haven’t been able to work out. I’m scheduled to have a follow up appt in a few days so hopefully I will be able to retire this big ugly boot soon and get back at it… slowly of course!

    My teammates have done a great job of holding me accountable to goals like drinking water. I think the more people who get involved the better!

    Overall, I just want to live a long healthy life with the family and be an example for my kids:)


  19. Anne Klonsky says:

    My goals are pretty simple but it’s the routine and consistency that has been missing. I have “fallen off the wagon” before. That may be harder to do now that there’s a whole team watching out for me! My goals are to:

    –Six times a week (currently at 5), 1 hour of bike and floor exercises
    –Increase water to 6 glasses a day
    –Decrease butter (boy do I love butter) to 2 tablespoons a week

    I’m having a physical soon so I’ll be able to look at the cholesterol and have a more specific goal on that (tied to my love of butter and cheese)


  20. Stephanie says:

    Hi Team!
    My goals are simple.
    * Lose 12 pounds by September
    * Run the Rock N Roll marathon in August
    * If I survive above marathon, complete the Chicago marathon in October =)
    * Eat healthier ( feel free to knock any unhealthy snacks out of my hands)
    * Involve family as much as possible with workouts
    * Create life long habits to stay healthy


  21. Diane Hettinga says:

    My goal is to complete the Chicago Marathon. The longer the distance I run, the longer the 26.2 miles seems! So….I have been officially training since April and have been religious at following it. I want to make sure that I can make it to the finish line in those 6 hrs and 30 minutes! In the meantime, I appreciate everyone in TL&D sharing their tips and tricks as we all work toward being a little healthier.


  22. Tim Weir says:

    Wow, I cannot believe I’m in this!! My goal is to cross that finish line, weather it be running, walking or crawling. At 47 it is NOW that I need to get in and stay in shape. So far I have been “training” since June 1st and have actually enjoyed it. I have spent many years running after my wife, kids, O/O’s and projects, now I’m running after health and wellness.

    This has prompted me to get a full physical, comphrhensive blood work and redefine my diet. This is good.

    McDonald’s is a special company to work for and I want to give back in the form of supporting our RMHC.

    I want to thank everyone for their support and I look forward to October 9th.


  23. Betsy Wanat says:

    My goals are all around being more consistent with living a healthy lifestyle.
    -Drop 2 clothing sizes thru by becoming more active. September is what I’m shooting for. Walking is good! Once I get this goal accomplished then who knows, maybe running is in my future
    -More vegetables and fish, chicken, less red meat
    -Drink more water
    -Track food intake – be accountable. Do any of these programs that you have mentioned have this feature of tracking food intake? It’s not about dieting but making healthy choices and changing eating & exercising habits.
    Bring exercise clothing and shoes when traveling and still be able have only carry on luggage. Suggestions?
    As the nike slogan says. Just Do It


  24. Bernadette Floyd says:

    My goal is to have my clothes fit more comfortably (like they did a year ago) so I can wear everything in my closet. To do this I will:
    – Get back to circuit training at least twice a week (started today!)
    – Walk at least once a week (If anyone would like to walk after work, let me know.)
    – Make better food choices (Do I really need that cookie?)


  25. paulschacht says:

    My goal is to either walk or ride my bike for at least 30 minutes every day. Last weekend, I rode 8 miles on the Prairie Trail.


  26. Patty Belisle says:

    My stretch goal is to REMAIN CONSISTENT with 5x (30 min minimum, 45-60 even better) a week of some type of physical activity: cardio, strength training. Also, since I don’t drink much water now – drink a minimum of 4 -8 oz glasses a day! By doing this, leading to several outcomes: weight loss and improved health (mind and body)!


  27. Julie says:

    Running the marathon has always been a goal of mine… But this year is just not my year – It’s my husband’s! After 18 years of having running as a hobby, he will finally be running the marathon! I am so excited for him but, as many of you know, the training is time consuming and SOMEONE needs to watch the baby while he’s out on two hour runs. So, for this year, I am being the best cheerleader & motivator I can be for him.

    However, I do not want to lose focus on being healthy myself. I currently visit the gym on the regular and try to eat as naturally as possible. But, like Anne Rigby, I am motivated to do more so that I live a long, healthy life. Plus, I REALLY want to be a good example of a fit and healthy person for my son.

    With all of that being said, my goal is to really create a great lifestyle for myself & my family. Below are my Healthy Choice goals:

    Mind: I am going to make it a point to read more often and engage in games that make me think, like scrabble, once a week
    Body: I will visit the gym before work 3 days a week. I will make the time to take walks and play at the park with my family and friends. I will continue to fill my house with veggies from the farmers market, but I will try out new recipes and help my family to really focus on portion control.
    Spirit: I will make the time every day to play with my son. Really play – That kind of get-outside-in-the-dirt-making-a-mess-and-laughing-all-the-while kind of playing. I am going to get back to doing the things that have always made me happy – I am going to listen to live music. I am going to paint. I am going to travel. It’s going to be awesome.


  28. JHo says:

    Hi Team,
    My goal is around learning how to implement a healthier lifestyle for myself and my family. This goal includes eating better, including exercise into our daily routines and getting plenty of rest. But this is not just about loosing weight, my family will also be more aware of the importance of maintaining your health with frequent and on-time visits with your doctors to make sure your health is being observed and consulted on in a timely manner. I
    t’s about being proactive vs. reactive!!! My mom was recently diagnosed with stage 4 Breast Cancer which we just found out has matastisized to her lungs. I would plead to all of you to make sure you follow the medical guidelines on when to complete the recommended testing.
    Women- get your annual gyne check-ups, Men- get your annual prostate exams and physicals…Cancer & other health problems DO NOT wait for your schedule!!!
    The way I plan to acheive this goal will be through the following steps:
    1. Prepare healthier meals/ snacks (stay away from junk/fast/ processed foods)
    2. Portion out meals/ snacks to a safe and acceptable amount
    3. Incorporate exercise into my weekly routine (walk, bike, wii fit) 3X’s a week in the beginning
    4. Get my annual gyne exam and physical
    5. Get at least 8hrs. of sleep a night
    By September 30th, I plan to achieve the following:
    ***Loose 25lbs. and have a clean bill of health for the rest of the year***
    Good luck to all and please help me along on my journey by staying on track!!!


  29. Chrissy B says:

    My goal is to lose 10 pounds by September 1st. Increasing my daily steps and adding in 3-4 power walks a week. Commiting to a healthier life style to meet my weekly goals by increasing my water intake, nutrition and exercise!

    Onward! Christina


  30. Loretta Ashley says:

    My goal is to continue the momentum I started at the beginning of 2011 and maintain my weight loss and commit to a healthier lifestyle.
    Portion control, limit snacks, healthy beverage choice, and exercise are all a part of my daily routine.
    Being aware of my limitations and allowing myself a day to splurge is important too!


  31. vanessa ramirez says:

    I pledge to lose 8 pounds by October 15, 2011, I will do this by :

    1. doing Zumba once a week
    2. going to my Step and Sculp class once a week
    3. Incorporating more fruits and veggies to my diet
    4. Drinking wore water.
    5. Walking for at least 30 minutes on Saturdays


  32. Evin Aguilar says:

    Evin Aguilar

    I pledge to lose 10 lbs by September 1

    1. Running an extra 5 miles per week
    2. Eating healthier
    3. Drinking more water

    It’s all about staying fit and healthy! Good luck to all


  33. Sandy Strong says:

    I pledge to quit smoking by October 1st:

    Here is my plan –
    1. Tell my husband & kids today
    2. Consult my Physician 2nd week of July
    3. Consult my Nutritionist
    4. Add Quitting to my pre existing health and nutrition plan and include any treatments
    5. Oct 1 throw a THANK GOD I FINALLY QUIT SMOKING party

    Argh. This is gonna be hard but no time better then now. – Sandy Strong 🙂


  34. Hank Sedam says:

    My Healthy Choice goal is to decrease my weight to 189lbs by eating a better more balanced diet and creating awareness around my nutrition. I choose to eat fruit in the evening when usually I snack on chips, soda, and other unhealthy items. I must make better choices throughout the day as a whole.


  35. Jenny B says:

    I will be participating in the Chicago Rock ‘n Roll Half Marathon on August 14th and the Bank of America Chicago Marathon on October 9th. To make it across those finish lines feeling strong and happy I plan to:

    – Attend Fleet Feet group runs on Tuesday nights/Saturday mornings
    – Attend McDonald’s group runs on Wednesday nights @ 5:15 (all are welcome! run/walkers and
    walkers too! email me for more info!)
    – Follow my training schedule each week (including strength and cross training)
    – Continue to plan my snacks (I’m so hungry all the time!) so that I make healthy choices

    I just read through all of the goals and I am seriously impressed with our team. This is going to be an amazing year!


  36. Pam Dixon says:

    My Goal is to lose 25 lbs by November 2011. I will accomplish this goal by doing the following:

    1) Join Weight Watchers Online
    2) Work out 2-3 times a week at the Lodge Fitness Center
    3) Work out at home 2 days per week
    4) Make smart decisions regarding portion intake
    5) Choose to take the stairs instead of the elevator


  37. Ingrid Rodriguez says:

    First off, thanks to Mike H. for following up with me and inspiring me to give this a shot! I was one of those last-minute folks who was not really thinking to join. However, I do have goals I would like to achieve and I figured I would share them with you all…here goes!

    – I’d like to lose 15-20 lbs. of baby weight + a bit of my own by early December, 2011. Considering I am due in August, I think this is pretty reasonable!
    – Opt for healthier cooking methods when preparing family meals
    – Continue my healthy water intake amount, increase if possible!
    – Limit my iced tea habit to 1x per week
    – Take my daughter for 45 min walks 3x per week and eventually take her out in her jogging stroller when I feel good enough to jog instead of walk. (Fall months)
    – No meals after 6pm! I am a notoriously late-night snacker, and my meal times are not consistent. I would like to make sure my eating takes place during regular hours.

    I had already started my weight-loss journey prior to my preganancy, and I hope to continue post-baby as well! 🙂


  38. Jean says:

    M goal is to lose 10 lbs by Feb 15, 2012.


  39. Dick Bisbee says:

    My goal is to achieve 10,000 steps on my FitBit 4+ days a week by end of summer


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  41. Charles Rubner says:

    My goal is to complete the ING New York City Marathon, on November 6, 2011. I’d (much) rather run with Team RMHC in the Bank of America Chicago Marathon on October 9, but my ‘Team’ responsibilities on marathon weekend make it so “that just ain’t gonna happen.” (I pretty much know my limits. And anyway, if I DID run on 10/9 I’d probably be so slow that by the time I got back to our tent and celebration in Charity Village, most everyone will have already left for home and be finished with their shower!)

    (And that’s one party I DON’T want to miss!)

    In order to achieve this goal, I pledge the following action steps and deadlines:
    1. Run the Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicago Half Marathon on August 14.
    2. Participate in the Chicago Triathlon on August 28–the Olympic Distance. (Thankyouverymuch.)
    3. Complete Coach Brendan’s ‘Marathon Training Program’ on October 8, and continue my training to get me to New York on 11/6.




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  43. JoAnne Zieman says:

    So I’m a bit late to the party due to my sabbatical. However, I have had a goal to lose 15 pounds by my son’s wedding in Dec. for a while – when I decided that in May it seemed like I had LOTS of time to reach that goal. HA – here it is September 1st and I’m only 5 lbs. toward it 😦 I am already very active as I work out 5 mornings a week before work – spinning twice per week, elipticle twice per week and one day rowing and weights. My family also enjoys biking and we have done many very long trips this year (my fav is Lake Shore Drive path). Also, LOVED that skydiving.
    So what does this say? I eat totally tooooooo much. But I LOVE chocolate and ice cream – can’t help it. So I signed up to do Weight Watchers at work. Thursday’s at COB. Here’s to re-committing to being skinny as that Mom of the Groom!


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